PCB Reverse, PCB Clone,MCU Reverse,Chip Crack,PCB Manufacturing, PCB Designing, PCB Cloning, PCB fabrication, PCB Rework,PCB Assembly
phone 086-13723771816 && 086-13316886916
e-mailpcbmcu@hetelltech.com skype:hetell0755

How to get start?

How to get started?(about?? copy PCB)

A. Please send an inquiry by skype, email or call with?pcb copying device you have.
B. Our staff will response quickest with quotation and delivery time and conditions for service.
C.Give me the picture that is ?you will want to copy

D. Before doing, you need to pay 50% deposit by Paypal.
E. After doing, we will send you the PDF about your PCB to you.?

F.after making sure we had done our job with success, you will need to make final payment to copy the pcb.

How to get started?(about???reverse MCU)
A. Please send an inquiry by skype, email or call with description of protected device you have.
B. Our staff will response quickest with quotation and delivery time and conditions for service.
C. Ship us the protected device, along with at least two or more not-programmed samples.
D. Before extracting the code, you need to pay 50% deposit by Paypal.
E. After extracting the code, we will send you back two programmed devices for you to test.
F. after making sure we had done our job with success, you will need to make final payment to receive the source code( .bin file or .hex file).

Copyright © 2008 - 2023PCB Assembly
by : Hetell